Family Literacy

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The Family Literacy program at Skyline Literacy aims to strengthen literacy skills in both parents and children, as children/parents learn and grow together. Generally speaking, any family with children in the PreK--5th grade age range qualify to participate, though younger and older children can also join in activities as they are interested. Reading books together, singing songs, daily routines that incorporate literacy are all examples of how families can practice literacy skills together. Currently, to be involved in Skyline Literacy's Family Literacy Program, a parent must also be a student in the adult English classes. If they have children in this age range, they are invited to voluntarily join the Family Literacy nights with their children. Skyline Literacy has previously invited Family Literacy participants from Second Home, a local before/after school program, to be involved in our Family Literacy program.

Family Literacy encourages families to promote literacy within their families. Skyline Literacy provides books, videos and other materials to assist parents in teaching their children to read. The videos below were created by volunteer teachers who work alongside Skyline to provide educational material for children amidst the COVID-19 regulations.

If you are interested in receiving more information, contact Skyline Literacy at or call 540-433-0505.


Family literacy educational videos